Countdown to Pride!


About us

Davis County Pride is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit organization dedicated to making Davis County Utah a loving, affirming and safe place to live for all LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies. We had our first Pride festival in April of 2022 and our third festival was on May 4th 2024! See our events page for more information on any future or upcoming avents!

EIN: 92-2442450

Our Story

Davis County Pride’s origins reach back to September 2021. After pride flags were banned from schools Genevra Prothero, our founder, contacted the school board stating this would have a dangerous impact on our youth, increasing the already high suicide rate in our county. She was met with a less than enthusiastic response. Genevra wrote an op-ed that was published in the Salt Lake Tribune and afterwards, parents and youth reached out to thank her and see how they could help the community.

Genevra understood the need and urgency for safe spaces in Davis County for LGBTQIA+ youth to talk about their experiences, so she held an event in North Salt Lake in October 2021. The event was a major success! Many of the youth and parents asked Genevra how they could start Davis County Pride. Genevra was proactive and put out a call for volunteers on social media. People responded and Davis County Pride was formed. Daniela “Dani” Crockett became the social media director, helping with the Davis County Pride Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.

Our first Pride Festival was held on April 23, 2022, and was estimated to have had 1,500-2,000 attendees. There were four food trucks and over 35 vendors, with many nonprofits showing their support. Our inaugural event was a success because the community came together and showed up! 

In 2023, Davis County Pride is comprised of three main organizers: Genevra Prothero as Chair, Executive Director, and founder; Daniela Crockett as our Vice-Chair and Treasurer; and Colleen Mewing as our Secretary. Our board members include Jake Boyle, and Jolene Mewing. 

Working together, we shall continue Davis County Pride for years to come, supporting transgender and LGBTQIA+ youth and creating a safe space for students and adults in our community. We continue to remain involved in advocacy and education efforts, and as we grow, we plan to host other events for adults and youth alike.

Meet our Leaders

Genevra – Executive Chair & Founder

Genevra has lived in Davis County for 27 years; she raised her two sons in Syracuse and is passionate about making Davis County a safe place for everyone. She has actively attended school board meetings for the Davis School District and for the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) advocating for LGBTQIA+ youth and LGBTQIA+ families. Genevra founded Davis County Pride in September 2021 when the school board decided to ban the Pride Flag. With the help of Planned Parenthood, GLSEN Northern UT, Carl Moore (Our Unsheltered Relatives), Murray Equity Utah, as well as Students, Parents and Community members, she hosted an event for students on October 14, 2021 followed by the very first Davis County Pride in April 2022. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband (Aaron) and her adult children, water coloring, reading, and going to concerts.


Daniela – Vice Chair & Social Media Director

Best known by per pen name Daniela A. Wolfe, and by all her friends as Dani, Daniela is our social media director and website administrator. She is one of our earliest volunteers and is a LGBTQIA+ Rights Activist on a local level and is an outspoken advocate online.

In her free time she’s a writer and digital artist and has designed a lot of our promotional artwork and even our logo. She is passionate about building a more LGBTQIA+ inclusive space in Davis County and is excited to see what the future holds for Davis County Pride.


Colleen – Secretary & Community Coordinator

Colleen is involved in several LGBTQIA+ organizations within the community and is grateful to see Davis County Pride come back for a second year! She was involved in arranging guest speakers at our inaugural event. Colleen worked with a national organization during our fight for full marriage equality. Colleen, and her wife, Jolene, live in Davis County and know all about the struggles our LGBTQIA+ youth continue to face even today. She hopes events such as Davis County Pride will continue to break down barriers as we work towards love and acceptance.


Jolene – Board Member

Jolene believes in the power of many! One person can stand up for change, but when that number is multiplied by 1,000, we become a force that cannot be ignored. We are here to let our community know that no one is alone. We’re in this together. Jolene is grateful for those who came before–from Stonewall to Edie Windsor–people have risked everything to fight for the marginalized. We’ve come too far to watch the rights we’ve obtained get trampled by those who believe we should be silenced. Jolene knows we will not go quietly into the night. Jolene and her wife Colleen, were married in Utah when Judge Robert Shelby ruled Utah’s ban on same sex marriage was unconstitutional. They continue to fight for all the injustices surrounding their community so our youth won’t have to start from scratch. Davis County Pride is determined to make this a world in which our youth can exist without having to continuously pick up the torch where we left off. 


Jake – Treasurer

Jake is an Arizona native and proud father of four, who moved to Davis County in March of 2021. In 2019, Jake came out as a gay man and has since been an LGBTQ+ rights advocate in the community. He is an active volunteer and enjoys giving back to those in need.

As a board member of Davis County Pride, Jake is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for everyone in Davis County, but especially for LGBTQ+ youth.  Jake also celebrates student and faculty allies in our schools.

Jake’s passion for community service and advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights make him an invaluable member of our team. He is dedicated to making Davis County a more welcoming and inclusive place for all individuals.


Dez – Committee Member & Librarian

Dez is a musical theater nerd, band geek, and avid reader, along with being a full time mom and queer inclusive full spectrum birth-worker. After a decade long internal struggle, and with the full support of her partner, Dez announced her bisexuality to the world in 2021 and started looking for community in the beautiful rainbow world, especially so that her kids would grow up knowing that gender and sexuality are beautiful differences and that no matter who they are, they are perfect and loved. Dez joined the Davis County Pride team leading up to the inaugural event and has found her people and her community. She’s excited to help Davis County Pride continue to grow and help this community.
